What Your Teeth Say about Your Health

A definite link exists between your oral health and overall well being. In fact, your teeth can actually tell you and your health care providers a lot about what’s going on with your body. Look through the following symptoms and contact a doctor if you have concerns:...

Finding a Fit with your Dentist

Obtaining dental care is an important aspect of good oral health. Finding a dentist that you’re happy with plays a big part in your willingness to maintain regular appointments and seek help when you need it. Here are some guidelines for identifying a dentist you...

Dental Issues During Pregnancy

It is important for both an expectant mother and her unborn baby to maintain healthy teeth and gums during pregnancy. This means practicing good oral hygiene and having regular visits to the dentist during this special time in a mother’s life. There are some common...

Vitamins and Minerals that Keep Teeth Healthy

As we age, our teeth and gums change. Proper care of your teeth as well as eating a good diet can keep your smile beautiful and strong. Certain vitamins and minerals also help promote optimal oral health. As we age, our teeth and gums change. Proper care of your teeth...